A lot of great stuff has happened in just the past few weeks.
Perhaps most importantly, the E.P.A issued a dire warning to NY State, saying, hydrofracking "would affect public health and the environment, and urged (NY) to undertake a broader study of the potential impact." You can read the full article here: EPA Advice to NY State
This past Monday, January 22nd, there was a well-attended rally in Albany to let our state government know that we oppose drilling. Even in the pouring rain, over 600 people converged to listen to a wide array of speakers, including legislators, who were eloquent and passionate. In the afternoon, about 300 of us lobbied senators to create a sense of urgency about the issue. There was some good press, but perhaps not quite enough. I know I learned a lot from the people who joined me from all across New York State. You can watch a video of the rally here: Albany Rally
One of the places that would be destroyed if hydrofracking were to go forward is Ithaca, perhaps one of the prettiest towns in NY. I just cannot wrap my head around the concept that the gas companies think it's okay to destroy an entire culture with their industrialization and pollution!
There was recently an article in the Wall Street Journal concerning hydrofracking in Louisiana, with a statement by Rex Tillerson (Exxon Chairman and Chief Executive): "We can now find and produce unconventional natural-gas supplies miles below the surface in a safe, efficient and environmentally responsible manner." This is an example of the extent to which the gas companies are willing to lie to get what they want. There is nothing that is environmentally responsible about forcing millions upon millions of gallons of toxic sludge into the earth, having the gas hauled off by tens of thousands of 100-ton diesel-spewing trucks, and leaving the toxic sludge in "ponds" to evaporate into the air.
In all fairness, the article also listed some of the results of toxic accidents.
I also learned from the Chief of the Onandoga (Iroquois) Tribe that the water under New York State represents ONE QUARTER of all the fresh water in the US!! ONE QUARTER!! And they want to destroy that to get gas? NO! THAT IS BY ALL DEFINITIONS TERRORISM!!
If all of us do not raise our voice in unison, we will lose our homes. Please contact your state senator and representative - who will be in their home districts during winter break - and let them know that you want to keep your water, your air, and your environment safe from hydrofracking!!!!
Love and Light -
Sustain the World
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